Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Scene from Blade Runner

One scene that I don't like is the final fight between Deckard and Roy.  There are many reasons why I do not like this scene.  First off, I thought it was really drawn out.  I don't think it needed to be that long.  Also, the whole situation with Roy was ver confusing.  He kind of just went crazy out of nowhere.  He was running around shirtless screaming and making weird sounds.  I guess I just didn't understand why he was doing that.  Eventually, Roy breaks two of Deckard's fingers.  However, Deckard still manages to hang off ledges and scale buildings.  I think the director over-exagerated Deckard's strength.  It would be impossible for him to do any of those things with 3 broken fingers.  Deckard jumps from building to building, while Roy is still chasing him.  I thought the end of this scene was the most confusing part.  Roy saves Deckard from falling of the building.  It was out of nowhere.  Roy had been trying to kill Deckard the whole time like a crazy person, until this scene.  I thought it was a really fast change of heart that the director didn't explain.  All in all, I thought this scene was really long, confusing, and unbelievable. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree. This was very confusing to analyze. This is what I wrote about, as well.
